What am I doing?

When I come to your house to pick paint colors, I talk to you for a few minutes and then ask you to leave me alone.  Do you ever wonder what I am doing?  When I talk to you during our initial tour, I am getting a sense of who you are and what you like.  Seeing the rooms is important, but so is listening to you speak about each space.  And I am not necessarily listening for colors that you name, but more of the words that you use to describe things, items that seem to really resonate with you and your own personal energy.  Then I ask you to leave, and I walk back through the rooms again imagining what I would like to see if I were you.  Often, the colors appear on the wall in front of me.  Then I just have to find the matching color in my fan deck.  It helps me to be alone so that I can tune into everything without being interrupted.  Not very scientific, but very successful!  One of the biggest compliments that I can receive is that visitors don’t notice that the house has been painted.  The colors blend so perfectly with everything that instead of the home feeling changed, it just feels completed.  Beautiful.

Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels


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